Retain Selection Areas In Samples While Still In The Sample Editor

Here’s what I’m trying to do:

I have a big sample (say, a full-size Funky Drummer) and I am breaking it down into many smaller samples so I can break it out into a Drum Instrument. When I return to the original sample, my zoom level and my selected region are lost.

Would it be possible to have the selected area and the zoom level retained when I jump back and forth between samples, while I’m still in the sample editor. Maybe all sample editors would be refreshed when the user jumps back to the Pattern Editor? Dunno. But this would be a helpful feature for me.

Here’s a video of what I’m talking about:


P.S. please excuse my lunchmates who were playing TF2 in the background. :walkman:

What you’re doing there (creating new samples from a single source), could might as well be done with the recently added copy-into-new-sample-feature. Try right-clicking the sample when something’s selected :slight_smile:

Holy smokes! It even has its own hotkey. :panic:

Consider this request already fulfilled! Renoise pwns. :yeah: