Product demos

Here you can download free demo versions of our software, as well as product manuals.


Renoise 3.4.4 - Windows
64-bit application
Redux 1.3.5 - Windows
64-bit VST2 plugin
Renoise 3.4.4 - OSX
Intel & Apple M1 64-bit universal binary application
Redux 1.3.5 - OSX
Intel & Apple M1 64-bit universal binary VST2 and AudioUnit plugin
Renoise 3.4.4 - Linux x86_64
64-bit (Desktop PCs)

Renoise 3.4.4 - Linux armhf
ARM 32-bit (Raspberry Pi 32-bit OS)

Renoise 3.4.4 - Linux arm64
ARM 64-bit (Raspberry Pi 64-bit OS)
Redux 1.3.5 - Linux x86_64
64-bit VST2 plugin


  Quickstart Guide PDF
  Renoise User Manual PDF
  Renoise User Manual Wiki
  Japanese Quickstart Guide
  LearnRenoise on Youtube
  Beginners Questions - Forum


  Quickstart Guide PDF
  Quickstart Guide PDF (Japanese)
  Redux User Manual Wiki
  Beginners Questions - Forum

Renoise System Requirements

To run Renoise, you’ll need a:
Mac running OSX 10.11 or later
Windows running Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64-bit)
Linux with glibc >= 2.27 (e.g. Ubuntu 18) on x86_64 based systems, glibc >= 2.28 (e.g. Debian 10) on ARM based systems.
For more details, see system requirements

Redux System Requirements

To run Redux, you’ll need a:
Mac with MacOS 10.11 or later
Windows running Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64-bit)
Linux (x86_64) with glibc >= 2.27 (e.g. Ubuntu 18).
For more details, see system requirements

Renoise Demo Restrictions

  • No ASIO support on Windows
  • Rendering to .wav is disabled
  • Rendering/resampling selections is disabled
  • Rendering/freezing plugin instruments to samples is disabled
  • Nag screens
  • As ReWire Master, only the first stereo input bus will be available
  • As ReWire Slave, Renoise will occasionally generate a small subtle hiss

Redux Demo Restrictions

  • When not registered, Redux will generate a subtle hiss. Otherwise, the software is fully functional