scl to xrni

Choose from over 4000 Scala tuning files and apply them to Renoise instruments for alternative scales and microtonal tunings.
Standard Western Tuning is called 12 Tone Equal Temperament which means an octave is split into 12 frequencies. There are however alternative ways an octave can split up and there have been many other tunings which differ to 12 Tone Equal Temperament. For example Eastern Music has many radically different tuning systems which give that music it’s distinct sound, the Indian Shruti System uses 22 Notes for an octave as opposed to the Western 12. Using a different tuning will produce different Harmonics in chords and can produce sound which is more harmonically pleasing but sound slightly out of tune as our brains are so used to Equal Temperament in the West.
Scala is an open source software for creating different tuning scale patches. There is an archive of over 4000 tuning patches available for download on the Scala website and this tool lets you apply these tuning patches to Renoise Instruments.
You can download the Scala patches archive here:
Basic Usage:
Select the instrument you want to tune in Renoise and then run the tool. Select a .scl tuning file in the file browser and this will be applied to the selected instrument, the name of the tuning file will be appended to the instrument name.
You will also need to manually adjust some instrument settings in Renoise for this to work properly, see the first post in the forum discussion link below for more details.
The base note of the sample is now recognised so you can change the base note before tuning to set the sample to a different key.
To preserve loop points run the tool first, then disable the 'stop playing at start of next slice' option in the Sample Editor. Then you can then run the 'Preserve loop points' option to apply the loop settings of the first sample to all slices.
Scala website -
Free scale browser/editor -
About microtonal music -
dblue - For his Scala loading script:
Djeroek - For ideas, suggestions and testing
Renoise Version | Release Date | |
com.afta8.scl_to_xrni V1.60 | 3.0 | Oct 5th, 2014 |
Installation: Drop the Tool File (.xrnx) on a Renoise window to install.
Liability exclusion: "You are about to download and install software from a third-party provider. This software was not developed by Renoise and is listed here in a summarised form purely as a convenience for our users. Renoise takes no responsibility for any malfunction, incompatibility, or damage caused by or otherwise arising from the use of the software. In the case of problems with the installation or use of the software, please contact the relevant developer."
Haftungsausschluss: "Sie sind dabei, eine Anwendung (Software) von einem Drittanbieter herunterzuladen oder zu installieren. Diese Software stammt nicht von Renoise und wird hier lediglich als Service für den Benutzer zusammenfassend übersichtlich dargestellt. Renoise haftet nicht für Fehlfunktionen, Beschädigungen, Inkompatibilitäten oder sonstige Schäden, die von dieser Software ausgehen oder sonst verursacht werden. Sollten während der Installation oder Benutzung der Software Probleme auftreten, wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Hersteller."