MIDI Controller

Arturia KeyLab mkII

The Arturia KeyLab mkII is a "bridge" tool to make these MIDI controller keyboards (KeyLab mkII 49, KeyLab mkII 61 or KeyLab mkII 88) compatible with Renoise.
In general, it enables all the extra buttons of the controller and converts the wheels and faders into dedicated controls for direct editing in the pattern editor and for navigation.
Activate the tool and go. The learning mode of MIDI mapping is not necessary! Turn this controller into something useful!!!


pKing provides a fully integrated interface to Renoise via the Korg padKONTROL. It has been designed along the MPC style 'pad based' sampler / sequencer interface.

Set Current Line Number By Midi Message

Finally, allows to bind midi messages to skip to a certain line. Supports any pattern length. You can now use your MIDI controllers knobs to DJ the sh** out of your evil saw sounds, beats, etc.

Grid Pie

Renoise cut and pastry. Live sequence recombination.

Grid Pie is a performance interface. It lets the user combine different parts of a linear song, non-linearly, in real time, using a special looping pattern as a live drafting area. It does so by taking over the Pattern Matrix.

Video turorial: here.

Airmann's FaderPort Driver

Faderport driver integrates the Presonus Faderport DAW Controller seamlessly into Renoise. Focus is laid on mixing (mixer+fx control), automation envelope creation, and general DAW control. This tool can seriously improve the ergonomics of your workflow and mixing process.

1.0 - inital release (Renoise 2.6)
1.0.1 - bugfix release, fixed manual (Renoise 2.6)
1.0.2 - output button now toggles and displays pre-fx / post-fx mixer state, updated device mappings, updated manual (Renoise 2.7)
1.1.0 - emulator mode, better help integration, fixes and improvements (Renoise 3.0)

Duplex Browser

Duplex is a collection of scripts that control various aspects of Renoise with plug-and-play support for a wide range of hardware. The applications range from controlling basic aspects of the Renoise application (like Mixer, DSP chains, Pattern Matrix), to more adventurous applications like sequencers and performance tools.

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