

A game for Renoise!

  • CPU opponent
  • Colorful graphical accents
  • MIDI controls
  • Sound FX
  • 2-player mode
  • ...and more!


The game of BackGammon (TricTrac) as tool for in Renoise.

Player 1 starts on the right top. Player 2 starts on the right bottom.

Click the dices to roll. Then click the fields to move.
Homing (back to the board) is only allowed when all chips are in the last quarter.

normal: move lowest as first.
double: front + back side (7 - front), roll again (max 3x).
1+2: double 1, double 2, double 5, double 6, roll again (max 3x).

Tags: Game


A board game. Click for next turn. With 8 animals trying to reach their partner.
Possible moves: (+1) (+2) (-1) (-2) (open gate) (close gate), moves picked randomly for any random animal.

Tags: Game

PT Wordle

Um jogo de adivinhação de palavras em Português.

F1: truque para o primeiro caractere.
5 hipóteses de adivinhar uma palavra de 5 caracteres da biblioteca (normalizada para caractere normal).
Verde: carácter correto, posição correta. Laranja: caractere correto, posição incorreta.
Utilize o teclado do computador para introduzir Wordle palavras.

Tags: Game

ESP Wordle

Juego de adivinanzas de palabras en Español.

F1: truco para la primera letra.
5 oportunidades para adivinar una palabra de 5 caracteres de la biblioteca (normalizada a caracteres normales).
Verde: carácter correcto, posición correcta. Naranja: carácter correcto, posición incorrecta.
Utilice el teclado de la computadora para ingresar palabras en Wordle.

Tags: Game


Lingo (Dutch, Nederlands)

F1: Eerste letter hint.
Een woord-raad spelletje.
Raad het 5-letter woord uit het woordenboek met (geldige) 5 letter woorden binnen 5 pogingen.
Type op het computer-toetsenbord om de letters in Lingo in te vullen.

Tags: Game


The game of Wordle..

F1: First character hint.
Find the hidden English 5 letter word within 5 (valid) word attempts.
Type on the computer keyboard to enter letters into the Wordle field.

Tags: Game


Connect Four

A game for 2 players.
Each turn, alternating, drop a piece of your player color.
Connect four pieces of your color in a row as first to win.
The game is a draw if the whole board is filled and there is no combination of four pieces in a row connected.

Tags: Game


A board game for 2 players.

-Start (0).
-32 fields.
-Finish (33).

Way of Play:
- Each turn: Roll the dice (1-6).
- Move forward.
- Some spots (7, 17, 24) allow another dice roll for the same player.
- Some spots move the player back (8 to 2, 16 to 3, 23 to 13, 32 to 6).
- Landing on the same spot as the opponent moves the opponent back to Start.
- Reach the Finish (33) as first.

Tags: Game


A Lua implementation of the game Nibbles, also known as Snake.

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