Awesome Renoise 2.0 review in Computer Music 138

Hot off the press! Computer Music 138 contains an awesome review of Renoise 2.0.

Renoise 2 review in CM138

The reviewer begins the article by asking, "has v2 been worth the wait?". As the author digs through the new features,his initial rhetorical question is put to work, concluding with the presentation of the Computer Music magazine's coveted 'Value' and 'Performance' awards. Great!

The May 2009 issue of Computer Music is available through newsstands or by subscription.



A well deserved rating! Although I was stunned at the news, I doubt it'd be as stunning as the software :)
Wooow! Renoise is da best music soft!
Brilliant review guys, soon the whole world will see that Renoise has the functionality and capability to be the best music software period, let alone the greatest tracker.