Pattern Editor


This tool adds highly configurable pattern-data sorting to Renoise. You can sort notes by scope (selection in pattern/phrase, column/track in pattern, and more), using various sorting algorithms.

Place Selected Notes Evenly

Distributes the notes evenly in a selection block. Useful for quickly positioning notes in a rhythm (triplets, generating polyrhythm et c). A quick video demonstration is available at

"Place notes evenly" under "selection" when right clicking the pattern editor.

Pattern editor:Selection:Place notes evenly


PhraseMate aims to make it more convenient to work with phrases in Renoise, particularly if you prefer a keyboard-centric workflow. Copy phrases into the pattern editor, or vice versa, and make the tool insert "set phrase" commands (Zxx) automatically as you are entering notes into a song.

Source and documentation

Visit github to view the full documentation (also included with the download):

Clear Selection

Super simple tool to add a shortcut to the pattern and phrase editor, which clears the current selection. Normally a double click is required for this action and it removes the need to reach for your mouse.


Version 1.1

- phrase editor added

Version 1.0

- initial release

Quick Vol AHDSR

An alternative mini GUI to access an Attack,Hold,Decay,Sustain,Release (AHDSR) envelope in the renoise sampler.

What it`s for

Collapse/Expand All Tracks in Group

This tool implements the missing collapse/expand toggle for all tracks in a group, to be assigned to a keyboard shortcut: Sample Editor --> Group --> Collapse/Expand All Tracks in Group; Mixer --> Track --> Collapse/Expand All Tracks in Group.

Update 0.2: Compatible with Renoise 3.1

Note Properties

This tool gives you extra controls to manipulate the currently selected note and its properties. It is useful for visual feedback and fine adjustments of values via the mouse.

The renoise keyboard shortcut to use the tool is:

Tools: ~Note Properties

This can be assigned via the renoise preferences, found in the renoise edit menu.


Mutable-Instruments "Anushri" synthesizer has a nice built-in drum pattern generator ("generative sequencer").
I did steal the essential code and made a renoise tool out of it.

There is a lengthy description of how it works at:

Sync All Notes In Group

This is a tool to make doubling/tripling.. tracks in your song a lot easier, allowing a quick workflow for layering sounds. It manages multiple tracks within a group to keep the same notes copied across them all. Each track retains it`s own instrument and you can add different fx and automation to each instrument layer.

Track Comments

Add comments to individual tracks. All data will be saved in the global song comments using a special syntax.

Right clicking on a track --> Track --> Track Comments will open a popup comment editor.

Update 0.8: Compatible with Renoise 3.1
Update 0.7: Fixed an issue with the Tool Updater
Update 0.6: Compatible with Renoise 3.0


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